There are no ifs and buts, it is a run in the wilderness, and Chiragh Kumar takes this on the chin. A below-par 2020-21 on the Professional Golf Tour of India, which saw just one top-10, and the run extending, perhaps even worsening this season so far, the options are limited.
Giving up is easy and can happen in no time, but it doesn’t work here. Chiragh is not new to such phases and knows “this is a phase, it will pass”. Over the years, he has learnt to reconcile rather than fight it out, but that does not mean “I stop practicing”.
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Trying hard to get the game back, Chiragh has not “stopped doing what I need to do”, as the endeavour is on to end the struggle with hitting. Easier said than done, and in Chiragh’s case the problems got compounded with the back injury at the start of the year.
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He got back on Tour not knowing if the back would hold, but then faith is the biggest prop in these times. The comeback in Bangladesh was a surprise as were the birdie opportunities that allowed him the cushion to attack. Hence, the 7th spot that played out last month with little else to fall back on.
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Something similar happened at the Noida Golf Course on Tuesday. The 4-under 68, three off the lead at the start of the Delhi-NCR Open, especially the lucrative front-nine, has set him up and hope floats that the hitting will hold for the rest of the week.
Photo Credit: Chiragh Kumar