Prarthana Khanna’s forte, creating ripples on golf course and shooting range

Prarthana Khanna has excelled as a junior golfer and is also making a mark as a shooter.
Prarthana Khanna has excelled as a junior golfer and is also making a mark as a shooter.

Prarthana Khanna, a promising junior golfer from Gurgaon, speaks about her journey, aspirations and the ultimate of playing the Olympics.

How were you introduced to golf?

My father took me to Hamoni Golf Camp (in Gurgaon) and after the initiation I began appreciating the game. Even though my father has never played golf, he was keen I take it up seriously.

How long have you been playing?

I started at 6 and by the age of 7 I was competing in tournaments. I train under Pritam Saikia sir of the Ultimate Golf Performance Center in Gurgaon.

What is your weakest and strongest aspects in golf?

The short game is my strongest part and the long game needs to be worked on. I’m chipping away and it’s improving.

How do you balance academics and golf?

It’s not that intense since I have a time table for studies and golf. Mom helps me with academics and dad plans my golf schedule. In fact, dad has sacrificed a lot to ensure my training is not hampered.

Who is your favourite golfer?

Tiger Woods as he is an icon and role model for everybody.

Due to the pandemic what precautions are you taking while practicing?

After each round, I disinfect and maintain social distancing.

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What’s your ultimate goal?

My dream is to represent India at the Olympics.

During lockdown how did you stay fit?

I was into yoga for physical wellness but also ensured there was intellectual stimulation.

Your dream four-ball?

It would be Vani Kapoor, Tvesa Malik, Gaurika Bishnoi and me.

Apart from golf your interest in other sports?

I am also into shooting and last year I appeared for the national selection trials and qualified for the Nationals as the youngest competitor.

Photo credit: Prarthana Khanna

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