Test of learning awaits Bakshi sisters

Sisters Hitaashee (left) and Jahanvi Bakshi have been prolific on WGAI and have now trained their guns on LET's Q-School.
Sisters Hitaashee (left) and Jahanvi Bakshi have been prolific on WGAI and have now trained their guns on LET's Q-School.

Jahanvi Bakshi and younger sibling Hitaashee are all set to take a leap of faith as they leave for qualifying school on the Ladies European Tour.

YouTube Video: A week like no other for Jahanvi & Hitaashee Bakshi

It will be stepping out of a cocoon and becoming uncomfortable. The preparations have been on these lines, an example being practicing in Gurgaon in various layers of clothing in anticipation of rain and biting cold.

Whichever way the stint goes, the onus is on the girls to take ownership like independent athletes.