A chat before tee-off with Siddhi Kapoor

Siddhi Kapoor almost did not tee off for the three legs of the Women’s Golf Association of India after restart this month.

Must Read: Lockdown fast tracks Siddhi Kapoor’s learning in golf

Lockdown hadn’t gone off well while playing the waiting game. Eagerness turned into frustration as Siddhi waited for the visa to South Africa to come through that would have allowed her to be present in Cape Town for the PGA certification.

To broaden her learning, Siddhi Kapoor is pursuing a PGA certification course, and will leave for Cape Town, South Africa, next week.
To broaden her learning, Siddhi Kapoor is pursuing a PGA certification course, and will leave for Cape Town, South Africa, next week.

From April the wait stretched to September and the desire to broaden the learning base started to flicker.

Certain that she would not get to travel this year, Siddhi decided to get back to competing. The problem was she had hardly practised after restrictions eased in Kolkata and the Royal Calcutta Golf Club.

Siddhi Kapoor broke through on the WGAI in her rookie year at Delhi Golf Club.
Siddhi Kapoor broke through on the WGAI in her rookie year at Delhi Golf Club.

She teed off with no expectations, and when that’s the case surprises can lie in wait. Two strong weeks at the DLF Golf and Country Club and Golden Greens Golf Club have led Siddhi to the Noida Golf Course.

Also Read: Siddhi Kapoor and finding her ‘Ikigai’ on golf course

The mood’s buoyant and her craft is in a good space. Throw in the find memories here, who knows, another special week could well be lying in wait for the diminutive golfer.

Photo credit: Siddhi Kapoor

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