Had life been normal, Siddhi Kapoor would have been soaking in the sights and sounds of Cape Town based out of the TGSE Academy. There is a hint of regret as the pro golfer on the Women’s Golf Association of India (WGAI) mentions this, but then these are extraordinary times. No one had anticipated that a virus invisible to the naked eye would bring human civilization to its knees.
With life and golf, which allowed Siddhi find her ‘Ikigai’ or purpose in life, on hold, a long-time desire took a grip on the Kolkata athlete.
“I was always keen to learn about the other side of golf,” said Siddhi. In between playing a few legs on the WGAI after restart in December, Siddhi swung into action and time was spent surfing the internet for options.
Also Read: Siddhi Kapoor and finding her ‘Ikigai’ on the golf course
She zeroed in on a three-year course at the TGSE Academy which is certified by the PGA of South Africa. It is the best of both worlds. While the diploma gives her the know-how about every aspect of golf, it also accords playing rights at a couple of golf clubs.
Armed with the practice at new venues Siddhi plans to compete on the Sunshine Tour.
Talking of perspective which Siddhi hopes the certification will arm her as a player, a life lesson too has had a role to play in her taking the detour. Siddhi underwent surgery in April 2019, setting her back for a while as the recovery period was lengthy.
The uncertainties of life set her thinking and a seed was sown which sprouted when the pandemic sent mankind scurrying indoors.

Siddhi’s curiosity of the unknown was a boon in this scenario, and the pro golfer/student can claim satisfaction about this initiative.
Into her second year, classes have been online till now as her visa application awaits clearance. There is hope it would come through soon and the learning process will be fast tracked.
If Siddhi were to have her way, the Sunshine Tour it will be till 2022, and of course completing the certification. Even if nothing concrete emerges after the course, there will be satisfaction on one front.
“I would have educated myself enough and that is what I term finding my ‘Ikigai’,” she said.
Photo credit: Siddhi Kapoor
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